Sunday, June 4, 2017

ile Marketing – Jobs That You Could Apply

Mobile Marketing – Jobs That You Could Apply

Mobile marketing, is no doubt, a very feasible marketing plan and a growing industry in its own right. With its rising trend and growth, it is pretty certain that it will be here to stay for long. This has paved the way to new and exciting marketing trends not only for businesses but individuals as well. As it continues, this also develops new jobs that would be necessary to fill strategic and creative positions.

So, what types of jobs would be suitable for mobile marketing? Here are a few.

1. Mobile Marketing Strategist. A mobile marketing strategist is an individual responsible for making key decisions with regards to a business’ mobile marketing campaign. Typically, he is called or designated as the project manager. Oftentimes, this individual would come from the marketing department of the business or have extensive marketing background. He or she must have a great deal of knowledge with regards to the marketplace, the product, the consumers, the strategies and the implementation. Even more, he or she must be able to know how to pull up an effective mobile marketing campaign. Having a strong market research skill must be one core competency of this person. Aside from that, he or she must also know how to execute various mobile marketing strategies.

2. Mobile Application Developer. A mobile application developer is an individual responsible for making applications for the mobile platform. He or she must be able to create an app (short word for application) depending on the business’ requirements and specifications. There are two types of mobile app development. The first one is taking existing applications from the web and convert it fit for mobile devices and the second one is creating an entirely new app that would fit the business’ demand. It is important that during the hiring process, the person that would fill this position must have strong knowledge of different mobile deployments because varied mobile units have varying demands. Aside from that, the developer must be skilled in several programming languages like Java, HTML, C, Flash and the like. These are some of the many programming languages that could create mobile apps.

3. Social Media Manager. A social media manager is an individual responsible for managing day-to-day social media organizations of the campaign. Oftentimes, the job description would vary depending on the business and its underlying organization. The job entails ensuring that the campaign devised by the strategist would be followed and realized. They are also in charge in creating an interactive and consumer oriented environment in varied social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

There are still other new jobs that exist because of the advent and evolution of the mobile marketing. There is no denying that this has opened up great job opportunities for many. Not only that it has proven to be an efficient marketing campaign it is also employing more people to.

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