Wednesday, November 8, 2017

ebook Advertising – Types of Facebook Ads for Better Brand Building

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Facebook Advertising - Types of Facebook Ads for Better Brand Building

If you have tried working with an old-school advertising company, perhaps you have dealt with billboards, radio ads, TV ads, as well as newspaper and magazine ads. Today, business owners like you have more choices to advertise your business. One of which is through social media sites like Facebook. It is considered as the biggest social media site as of today, and it's very user-friendly, which means first-time users can easily find their way around the site. Since ads are part of the site, finding the best deals is also a piece of cake. Here are some Facebook ads you can try.

Mobile advertisements

Aside from laptops, PCs, and tablets, many individuals today rely on their mobile phones to check the latest update. And because of the rising number of new and "better" mobile phones, Facebook came up with the idea of launching a mobile app, which also allows people to place their advertisements. This type of ad is considered by most entrepreneurs as something quite compelling for retailers.

Video advertisements

This is yet another creative way to advertise on Facebook. This works by sponsoring any video that has been posted on your Facebook, whether that's a page or an account. The video and the advertisement will appear on your news feed. The only thing you should do is share this video and wait for other people to share it as well, broadening and increasing the visibility of your video and advertisement.

Direct advertisements

Direct advertisement is one of the most used Facebook advertising methods, according to surveys. With its extremely high visibility level, there's no doubt this form of ad can truly increase the number of your customers and clients. Basically, direct ads appear at the right side of Facebook. It is present on all pages - the Home, Profile, or even when you're playing games. If people will click on it, your site will open on another tab, allowing them to access and explore it easily.

Poll ads

If you're one extra creative person who easily comes up with interesting and attention-grabbing question, this form of advertising method might just be perfect for you. With poll or polling ads, you get to post poll questions with multiple choices. This does not only let other FB users know your brand, but it also gives them something to look forward to on your FB page or profile every day.

Advertising is a tricky aspect of every business. It’s one big risk every entrepreneur should take in order for their company to grow. New generation entrepreneurs, however, don’t have to deal with the same risk as pioneers, thanks to Facebook and everything else about social media.

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